ঢাকাশুক্রবার , ১৪ মার্চ ২০২৫
  1. সর্বশেষ

Reckless use of TikTok : Ominous Signal for Society

নিউজ ভিশন
২১ জুন ২০২৩, ১১:৪২ অপরাহ্ণ

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The reckless use of the popular video sharing app TikTok has created a widespread controversy in recent time. A huge number of people, especially a large section of youth make the content in this site.Specifically,such reckless use of TikTok among Bangladeshi youths sometimes creates social problems and behind this a plenty of reasons remain.

In this video sharing site,there is an impulse to be viral and become popular within a short time,this inconceivable thing encourages the youth to create reckless and obscene content.The most concern matter is that they often represents their culture,language and religion in distorted way in those contents,by dint of which they get instant gratification.
But it has a negative far-reaching implications on our society. Because,this careless act undoubtedly cause the decay of social and moral values.

Many of the TikTok users sometimes upload the contents containing half-naked and vulgarism. In most of the videos, the TikTokers make vulgar and ugly body language.Through this way,it is easier for them to lose moral values.The most horrific fact is by this sort of contents their mindset gets totally changed and distorted which derives them into an uncertain destination.
What has been portrayed earlier, in order to get much popularity the users even take life risks to capture video.If the video contains uniqueness,none can stop his being viral. The fact can well be realised if we take a look at some recent incidents-
Few days back,in an elite area of capital Dhaka a member of army jumped from the chase of a building to go to another building, then unfortunately he slipped and died.The reason of his jumping was that he was making stand video for TikTok.This shows how this app causes mentally disorder to our young generation.
Another incident is much terrifying, recently a TikTok celebrity in China passed away while jumping from the running train to capture a video for TikTok upload. How rediculous this is! It makes us think how the impulse of being viral tricks the people to do such type of lunacy.This tendency,of course,damages their conscience and common sense turning them into mentally sick.Moreover, the most terrible thing is that this example encourages thousands of users to make this sort of sick contents.

Mahbubur Rahman, a veteran journalist living in USA pointed out his concern about the careless using of TikTok saying,”we cannot avoid many things of time like the abuses of TikTok .We are failure because our social system doesn’t provide the young generation social values and religious education. Now we all have to bear the consequence of it”.

Therefore, it is the need of hour that government must control this kind of app and keep an eye on whether the people use it for positive purposes or not. In order to save our young generation from destruction mass awareness and collective efforts of all are required.In addition,monitoring must be ensured to prevent cultural aggression. Only then a prosperous and skilled generation with moral values will be raised.

-Mohammad Raihan,
Studied at the Department of English, Dhaka University.


আরও পড়ুন

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