ঢাকাবুধবার , ৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫
  1. সর্বশেষ

Suicide: Due to which the number of suicide of students is increasing day by day.

নিউজ ডেস্ক
৩০ জুন ২০২৩, ২:৩৭ অপরাহ্ণ

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It goes without saying that suicide is not a new invention. Actually, after sending humans on the earth from then suicide was going on. But, not like this time.

In this present time, suicide is very enhancing day by day day. When we look at the newspaper, then we see that anyone killed self-annihilation.Now a days, It’s a simple news in our country.

But we don’t know that why a student or anyone do suicide.If we would like to know “ why”, firstly we have to think deeply our society. At present, our society is the main responsible for the self-murder. I’m giving a sample below as a cause.

Somedays ago, Prattoy Borua, the student of Chittagong College did suicide because of not getting chance in any public university. He applied in many universities such as Medical, Du, Cu,Ru, BUET, IUT etc. Unfortunately,he didn’t get chance anywhere. On the other hand, his friends, village’s friends, Aunty beside his House,his family, even his society was telling that, “ didn’t you get chance anywhere? You did hard work but didn’t get chance.Tell us Prattoy, what is the benefit of your study?What did you do a long time? Do you know how many taka we have already spent for you?

These type questions go away a student to depression. When he goes to depression, then he cannot but suicide. Because of it is that,these type questions always turn about in his head and his face become purple.

As a result, he wants to live alone . When he lives alone, then the death floats in front of his eyes. At that time, suicide is the first choice of him to slay himself.

Not only Prattoy but also Sami Chowdhury (the student of CU),Israt Jahan priti ( the student of Independent University) Rokeya khatun ( the student of CU) and others who are unknown to me did suicide in a few days ago because of depression. Sami Chowdhury did suicide because of not getting a job.Cause, he cannot go to society’s people , he cannot show his face in society despite being educated.

Actually, our society send us to depression.Depression and over thinking about career help us to kill ourselves.
But suicide is not the root solution of all problems. We have to think deeply and find out the exact lack of it. We don’t have time to hear the bad talks of anyone. So , we must avoid that people, avoid that friends, avoid that Society’s people who don’t understand the sorrow of student Life. And we have to go to salat for finding the solution of all problems. We have to say to Allah of our talks of mind. If we want something from Allah, Allah will give us. Because, Allah says that in the Holy Quran , “ Call me Bandah, I will respond your call”.

However, the outcome of suicide is very dangerous in Akherah. Allah says that “ don’t kill yourself”. But we do suicide.Our prophet Muhammad (SM) said that, “ whoever as will do suicide, his punishment will be continued like that. Even We, all know that suicide is a great sin. If anyone do suicide, obviously he will go to Jahannam. But if allah wants to pardon, Allah can that. Because, Allah says in the Holy Quran ,
“ Allah will not forgive him who will equalize anyone with Allah”. So it is said that, if allah wants to pardon a suicide-man, Allah can that. Because, None wants to do suicide. When he cannot control anymore depression, over thinking about career, living in jobless, pressure of family, rude behaviour of society’s people and surrounding areas’ people, and bad comments from social media, then not only a student but also any man in that situation will decide to kill himself. Allah is very kind to us, so if he wants to pardon, Allah will do that. For that, we should pray to Allah so that Allah can forgive the suicide- men .

Mohammad Amran Hosain
Studying at University of Chittagong


আরও পড়ুন

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