ঢাকামঙ্গলবার , ৮ অক্টোবর ২০২৪
  1. সর্বশেষ

Population : Environment at Stake In Bangladesh

নিউজ এডিটর
১৭ অক্টোবর ২০১৯, ৪:২২ অপরাহ্ণ

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Environment is a big issue, which is receiving attention now in the world including Bangladesh. In the context of population and development integration, environment problems cannot be separated from the population problems. Our country today faces major problems of deforestation, desertification, air and water pollution and other environmental degradation.

Population increase causes depletion of resources and degradation of the environment. In Bangladesh, the problems are considerably worse than would follow from the increase in numbers. It is not just population growth that is putting pressure on resources rather, population growth in conjunction with other processes are leading to much more rapid depletion.
There are some environmental problems in Bangladesh to arise in case of over population:
Natural resources like water, minerals, petroleum, gas etc. In terms of over population, natural resource degrade day by day. So, the ecological balance (ecosystem) is lost.
Pollution like air, water, land etc. Due to more population, there is a high human activity like more travel, more vehicles, more release of sewage water etc. Causes of serious health problems like cancer, in recent in our country dengue is a serious problem and many people died. These issues will lead to enhancement in pollution.
Deforestation, Presence of at least 30% of forests in a country is a good sign of a natural environment. Whereas, Bangladesh is only 11% of forest. It causes serious problem like “fani” attack in our country more strongly because of deforestation.
Similarly, the impairment of human health is primarily the result of environmental pollution due to industrial and urban waste discharges into water courses, automobile exhaust in major cities and lack of adequate supplies of potable water and sanitation facilities.
At last we can say, there is a need for Bangladesh to recognize the population problem for what it is. At the national level this is a problem which saps national resources, and leads to the maintenance of poverty and the persistence of illiteracy, with all its attendant ills. What is being advocated is not a reduction of national numbers and consequent power or prestige, but a balancing of the development of the human numbers with national resources and national capabilities, so that the people of Bangladesh would be able to attain their full genetic and social potential and contribute fully to the country and the world.

Nibas Chandra Deb
Dept. of Environmental Science & Disaster Management
Noakhali science & Technology University.


আরও পড়ুন

শেরপুরে নতুন করে ১০ ইউনিয়ন প্লাবিত, মৃতের সংখ্যা বেড়ে ০৭

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শেরপুরের ঝিনাইগাতী-নালিতাবাড়ীর নতুন নতুন এলাকা প্লাবিত : চরম দুর্ভোগে মানুষ: নিহত-৩