ঢাকাসোমবার , ২৫ নভেম্বর ২০২৪
  1. সর্বশেষ

Cyber Bullying : A hot potato problem in the World.

নিউজ ডেস্ক
৮ জুলাই ২০২৩, ১১:৩৩ পূর্বাহ্ণ

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For the time being , Cyber Bullying is a usual issue not only in Bangladesh but also in the whole World. Though it is a common troubleshot, it is a damning and punishable crime. In a recent-world report, we see that 40-50•/• people are going to depression, losing self-respect in society and doing suicidebeing vulnerable to Cyber Bullying.Among those people, young boys and young girls are more. Because, Young people use social media very much . Even almost time of the day goesaway in using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and several networking sites.

In a word, Cyber Bullying (including cyber crime) means, ridiculing anyone most intensely by utilizing the networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or computer, mobile phone,or any electronic device etc. PresentlyThe mostvulnerable countries of Cyber Bullying in Asia are, China (70 percent), Singapore ( 58 Percent) and 53 •/• people of India are victimto Cyber Bullying.

Nowadays, Bangladeshi people are being victim to Cyber Bullying most whimsically. I’m giving an example below so that you can understand that actually what the Cyber Bullying is.
You must have heard the name of Hero Alam who is an Actor and Artist of Bangladesh.Once upon a time,He was the most renownedvictim of Cyber Bullying in Bangladesh. When he started his work on social media , when he would upload videos , photos or posts, everybody would insult him seeing his face, hearinghis voice, watching his acting, taking about his education qualification. Everyonewould make a game of him in different ways such as, by giving hahaha reaction on his post, by abusing on his comment box. Some months ago, A college Womanteacher married a boy who was her student.They had been viral on social media After two days of their marriage.Some gentle people of our society and Facebook Users didn’t take it as good. Theywere trolledmost intensely on social media. After some days, the woman teacher did suicide not bearinginsult of Public(being victim to Cyber Bullying.)

Top 3 forms of Cyber Bullying:

1) FAKE ID:Disturbing by sending sexual videos ,photos or sexualmessages to any IDfrom a fake ID. And threatening anyone by hacking Facebook id. Yes, this is Cyber Bullying.And this is the most well-known forms of Cyber Bullying. At present, it’s very difficult to know which is a real ID or which is a fake ID.

2) HARASSMENT:Harassing anyone making his picture nude.Harassing anyoneby spreading his secret messages, secret calls, secret photosandvideos. Yes, this is Cyber Bullying.

3) TROLLING:In a nutshell,Trolling means makingfun with one’s personal-viral things. Somedays ago, TriptyRahman,the student of Rajukcollege her sexual videos and messages with her loving Teacher of same college had been viral on social media. From then, All are taking fun from their sexual videos and messages. But this fun makes a man shamed. Consequently he cannot find respect in his society and to anyone.

Other hints of Cyber Bullying are, giving hahaha( laughing) reaction on one’s post or video without any reason, doing bad comment without any cause are also Cyber Bullying. When you will understand that, anyone is insulting, trolling, Harassing you and trying to spread your secret information on social media ,then you will take surly thatyou are vulnerable to Cyber Bullying.

Actually, we don’t know how to protect ourselves from this problem. So,in this present time, our Bangladeshi people are being victim to Cyber Bullyingsolaciouslybecause of not knowing the Law of Cyber Bullying.In 2020 , 350 cases of Cyber Bullying have been come to police.It’s a matter of regret that, we don’t take place of Law because offearing of going away our self respect in society.Otherwise, the number of cases would be more. In a recent survey of Bangladesh it’s been found,about 2000 crime of Cyber Bullying are being creating in per-month.73•/• victims of crime and 63•/• cases.
In Japan, Japan has already proclaimed that, the punishment of Cyber Bullying is one -year prison sentence and maximum fine $2,500.

In Bangladesh, Cyber Bullying is also a punishable offence under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) act 2006 and Digital security law-2018. If you are victim to Cyber Bullying, first of all, you have to raise an objection against perpetrators. Cause, if you don’t obtest, they will take chance again. Yet, if they disturb you again and again,youcan complain against criminalsto BTRC by calling at +880-29611111 or by emailing at btrc@btrc.gov.bd.After that,BTRC will take necessary steps within 1dayand the mischief -makers will be bought to justice within 72 hours. Specifically,if you are a woman, you can put up to “ Police Cyber Support for Women”.

In Bangladesh, the punishment of criminals of Cyber Bullying is more dangerous than Japan. The punishment is 3-years prison sentence andminimum fine 3-lakh taka according to Law of digital security -2018.So, we should take asylum of Law as soon as possible when will be victim to Cyber Bullying (including cyber crime).

Therefore, We have to be very careful. Otherwise, we will fall in danger.

Mohammad AmranHosain
Studying at University of Chittagong


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